V starejši vogalni stavbi je bil do začetka 20. stoletja. Narodni dom. Po temeljiti prezidavi, katere rezultat je tudi secesijski vogalni stolpičasti okrogli konzolni pomol, je bila stavba namenjena hotelu, ki se je do konca leta 1918 imenoval hotel Austria. Njegovo ime se je večkrat spremenilo: med obema vojnama je bil hotel Beograd, med drugo svetovno vojno hotel Graz, po njej pa hotel Planina. Danes je stavba namenjena poslovnim prostorom.


Until the beginning of the 20th century, the National Hall (Narodni dom) was located in an older corner building. After a thorough reconstruction, the result of which is also a Secession style corbelled corner turret, the building was used as a hotel. Until the end of 1918 it was known as Hotel Austria. Its name changed several times: in the interwar period it was named the Hotel Beograd (Belgrade), during World War II it was known as Hotel Graz, and after the war as Hotel Planina. Today the “Old Hotel” is an office building.

Fotografije: Amadeja Mlakar, osebni arhiv

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