Stari rotovž
Stavba rotovža v sedanji podobi je iz 18. stoletja. Takrat je bil zgrajen baročni urni stolp, ki poudarja trško fasado. Na vrhu stolpa je stiliziran grb Slovenske Bistrice − obzidje s tremi stolpi. Pri rotovžu je stal sramotilni steber − pranger, ki se omenja leta 1756. Pritlični prostori in veža v nadstropju so baročno obokani. V stavbi je bil do druge svetovne vojne sedež občinske uprave, ki se je nato preselila v nekdanjo sodno palačo na Kolodvorski ulici.
The present appearance of the town hall building dates back to the 18th century. The Baroque clock tower, which has a distinctive market-town façade, was also built at that time. On the top of the tower is a stylized coat-of-arms of Slovenska Bistrica – the town wall with three towers. Next to the town hall stood a pillory, which was mentioned as early as 1756. The rooms on the ground floor and the vestibule on the first floor have Baroque vaulting. Until World War II, the building was the seat of the town council, which then moved into the former court building on Kolodvorska ulica.
Fotografije: Simona Kostanjšek Brglez, Amadeja Mlakar,, Knjižnica Josipa Vošnjaka Slovenska Bistrica