Kapela sv. Ane
Kapela je bila zgrajena leta 1771, kasneje pa so ji prizidali še vhodno lopo in zvonik. O gradnji kapele kroži legenda, da je neka grofica Ana med ježo padla s konja. Ker je padec preživela oziroma se pri tem ni poškodovala, je dala na mestu padca v zahvalo postaviti kapelo. V kapeli je slika božjepotne Matere Božje z Detetom v originalnem rokokojskem okvirju.
St. Anne, Kovača vas: The chapel was built in 1771. Later, a porch and a bell tower were added. The construction of the chapel is associated with a legend about a countess named Anne, who fell from her horse while horse riding. Because she survived the fall and was uninjured, she commissioned the construction of the chapel at the spot where she fell. Inside the chapel there is a painting of the pilgrimage of the Virgin Mary with Child in its original Rococo frame.
Fotografije: Simona Kostanjšek Brglez, Amadeja Mlakar