Nekdanja Hebenstreitova hiša

Hiša Trg svobode 22 | EŠD: 6960
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Enonadstropna hiša, ki je najverjetneje nastala z združitvijo dveh stavb, velja za hišo z najlepšo baročno fasado v mestu. Na s štukom bogato okrašenem nadstropju iz 18. stoletja najbolj izstopajo štirje kapiteli pilastrov na levi polovici hiše. Na njih sta medaljona s portretoma ženske in moškega ter glavi bakhantov, med katerima je vitica z grozdom. V notranjščini stavbe so ohranjeni baročni oboki. Vsaj v prvi polovici 19. stoletja je bila hiša last peka Antona Hebenstreita.


This two-storey house, which was probably created by joining two buildings, is known as the house with the most beautiful Baroque façade in the town. The 18th century upper storey, which is richly adorned with stucco, is notable for the four capitals of pilasters on the left side of the house. The capitals are decorated with medallions bearing the portraits of a woman and a man as well as the heads of bacchantes each side of a vine tendril. Baroque vaults have preserved in the interior of the building. At least in the first half of the 19th century the house was owned by the baker Anton Hebenstreit.

Fotografije: Simona Kostanjšek Brglez, Amadeja Mlakar, Zavod za kulturo Slovenska Bistrica, Knjižnica Josipa Vošnjaka Slovenska Bistrica

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