Jugozahodni stolp mestnega obzidja je bil zgrajen okrog leta 1300. Namenjen je bil obrambi, hkrati pa je služil kot bivališče ministerialov oziroma vitezov. Pri njem je stala kapela sv. Ane. V 16. stoletju so stolp in kapelo opustili. V 17. stoletju so stolp povišali in vstavili večja okna. V vogal je vzidana kartuša z grbom družine Vetter, prve zasebne lastnice do leta 1587 deželnoknežjega bistriškega gradu in zemljiškega gospostva. Leta 2004 je bil obnovljen in služi kot razstavišče.


The southwestern tower in town wall was built ca. 1300. It was intended for defence, while at the same time it served as the residence of the ministeriales or knights. Next to it stood the chapel of St. Anne. In the 16th century the tower and the chapel were abandoned. In the 17th century the tower was raised and large windows were inserted. A cartouche with the coat-of-arms of the Vetter family, the first private owner of the Slovenska Bistrica castle and manorial estate, which were in the possession of provincial princes up to 1587, is built into the corner. The tower was renovated in 2004 and is now used as an exhibition space.

Fotografije: Simona Kostanjšek Brglez, Amadeja Mlakar, Zavod za kulturo Slovenska Bistrica, INDOK

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