Mestno obzidje
Obzidje, pozidano do leta 1339, se je do danes obdržalo le še deloma. Ohranjeni deli so debeli med 50 in 60 centimetrov in segajo od 1,5 do 4 metre v višino. Med letoma 1550 in 1588 so ga zaradi naraščajoče nevarnosti turških vpadov popravili. Velik del obzidja se je ohranil do druge svetovne vojne, po njej pa so ga postopoma porušili.
The town wall, which had been built by 1339, has only survived in parts. The thickness of the remaining parts of the wall ranges between 50 and 60 centimetres and its height ranges from 1.5 to 4 metres. Owing to the growing threat of the Turkish raids, it was repaired between 1550 and 1588. A large part of the wall had been preserved until World War II, but it was gradually demolished after the war.
Fotografije: Simona Kostanjšek Brglez, Amadeja Mlakar,