Marija sedem žalosti
V jedru gotska cerkev je bila v 17. stoletju prezidana. Takrat so jo obokali in na zahodu uredili pevski kor. Od opreme iz okrog leta 1700 je ohranjenih nekaj kipov (kipar Franc Krištof Reiss). Veliki oltar iz 18. stoletja je bil sem prinesen iz župnijske cerkve, saj so prejšnjega, na steno naslikanega, uničili, ko so med drugo svetovno vojno zaradi širjenja ceste skrajšali prezbiterij.
Mary of the Seven Sorrows: This originally Gothic church was rebuilt in the 17th century, when it was vaulted and an organ loft was added in the west. A few statues are preserved from the furnishings of the sculptor Franc Krištof Reiss which date from ca. 1700. The high altar from the 18th century was transferred here from the parish church, since the former altar, painted on the wall, was destroyed during World War II when, as a result of the widening of the street, the presbytery was truncated.
Fotografije: Simona Kostanjšek Brglez