Cerkev sv. Jerneja

Slovenska Bistrica – Cerkev sv. Jerneja | EŠD 3375
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Cerkev sv. Jožefa

Župnijska cerkev je bila zgrajena najpozneje v 13. stoletju. V naslednjih stoletjih je bila večkrat povečana in prezidana. Danes kaže predvsem podobo, ki jo je dobila med obsežno prenovo v 18. stoletju, ko je bila tudi poslikana in na novo opremljena. Med bogato opremo izstopa monumentalni klasicistični oltar (kipar Jožef Holzinger, slikar Kremser-Schmidt). Končni videz je cerkev dobila na prelomu iz 19. v 20. stoletje, ko je bil zgrajen in z novo kapo opremljen sedanji zvonik.


St. Bartholomew, Slovenska Bistrica: The parish church was built in the 13th century at the latest. In the following centuries it was enlarged and rebuilt numerous times. Its present appearance originates from the large renovation in the 18th century, when the frescoes were painted and it was newly furnished. Among the rich furnishings the monumental Classicist altar by the sculptor Joseph Holzinger and painted by Martin Johann (“Kremser”) Schmidt stands out. The church obtained its final appearance at the turn of the 20th century, when the present bell tower with its new roof was built.

Fotografije: Simona Kostanjšek Brglez, Amadeja Mlakar, Andrea Furlan

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